Saturday, January 6, 2007

Compare Reebok Adidas And Nike

I submit

was born in a farewell
lunar footprint range war

the saddest rumba

teacher introduced me bad and false
impressions halfway point between you and any effective
secretions producer
true test of divine arteriosclerosis

subject to my bones my lungs
to plague
coined by my eyes stopped at a corner of this death

grew between
oblivion crack in this neglect
fielding nostalgia masquerading as detached smoke
the jetty waiting for the entrance of the sea I stand

anachronistic resentment domesticated
delirious germ masks anaphrodisia
mock mock
enabler of feelings

my jaw under my back
the enemy entrenched in my gut transit
void content

improbable road trails guided by false

ignorant of the language maps of the astrolabe
without compass, without a pendulum, without stopping

I stand,

Delgado, Delgado Torkins

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My Brother and Master William Abdala

I can tell you want to know about this city
describe the transit of light during the day
detailed information until you feel your wrinkles, creases and folds demarcate
streets, alleys, passages and avenues

make an anthology on everything it was said
Enumerarte stables there from here to corner Piñango Tell you about the club
hause of racks
The showcase of the Pacific, the passage Zinng, the Grand Café

know in this city pour liquor windows
The walls exude the urine as stigmata

health clandestine outlets and lights effective expiration

you know the inns, taverns, bars and barzuchos
and stoned with my elbow counters, bars and shelves
I've walked, sleep, piss, vomit and
confess, I also screwed up I can discriminate against

statistics in hand
the death of motor auto park
few Chinese restaurants per square kilometer and proportion of shit
per liter cubic
Hablarte its flaws: the urban terrain and
Tell you about all the green visible per hour
Expose my theory about the harmful effects of smog and neon
road show where I will die someday .

But I wonder about its inhabitants
they are not the stories or the names

I do not know I've never seen

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time I've been more "in this narrow corner of the earth "
of which I have not nor will I ever leave out
where I died at the age of thirteen
and which flooded my exile spectrum

acolytes have known but most unknown people have lost

hopes walked fired as a leper who cherishes
and evicted the wire as the drunken tightrope

I changed my skin sometimes an occasional

border curb the most
but never

haircut ie such After a little more cynical
More bald
but I'm still the same

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Signs of Life.

My friend Zachary Garcia

The world recognizes
rate in the watchful eyes and lips
funnel in the mouth mirror in your bathroom

conditioned by the knowledge

alphabet be dependent abstraction of signs flicker
solid evidence alone

are things that are there when things
prey to gasp
the demiurge of breath to breath

abdomen muscle

imposes harsh signs of life

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A Monica Rodrigues Costa

Vargas Ximena Benitez Roger Herrera and will return the words


order will not beg for pseudo revolutions Ni
They come with the certainty of death
Impregnated of life and gain great sense

Chair No more local color
not redeem
contextual meanings blood and shit
of shame will assume
oral opium and wine. Neurological origin

lysergic sitting on the tips of tongues lascivious nocturnal awakening

binary synthetic fibers infecting

nonexistent spaces congratulations corroding bodies empty and futile hopes

resurrecting demons buried in the academies
recovering fluids and humors
panic and
laboratories will no longer be double-edged knives and if
chest cold hot lead in reaffirming
the right to live and die quietly

because there will be no more nothing to say when they return

subversive words and are again marginal poets

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