Friday, April 29, 2011

Autographed Lionel Messi, Inexpensive

The Messiah Sun Myung Moon, yesterday in Madrid ...

The founder of the Unification Church sect, Korean Sun Myung Moon , was last April 26, 2011 in Madrid.

legalized Korean name is "Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC)." Concerning this matter has not been taken by any agency news release or any social media. We will offer an account of the events, produced by Vicente Jara, a member of the Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Sects (RIES).

start giving them part of the invitation has come to the English Ministry of RIES:

Dear to Mr. (Mrs.)

are honored to extend this invitation to a special and unique event being organized by the Universal Peace Federation and the Association of Women for World Peace in our city. The program entitled "Building a World of Peace in a Time of Global Crisis" represents the first public speech in Madrid of prominent spiritual leader Reverend. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church and the Universal Peace Federation. This speech is part of a tour of various nations and will take place on Tuesday 26 April at 18:30 hrs. in the Hotel Palace, Room Medinaceli. [...]

recently published his autobiography in Korea has become a bestseller in the nation. This book has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200band a English version will be presented in the act of Madrid. [...]


Armando Lozano, Spain
FPU Director Marcia de Abreu, President AMPM Spain

act Home

There we go. If the act originally intended to last about two hours, as he also said the invitation to the event, which started at 18.30 finished at 23.27 minutes in the evening. The room where we stand hosted a total of more than 600 people, a multicultural assembly where a wide variety of races: Caucasian or white, and Asian nigroides. There were English but also French, Polish, German, Portuguese, Africans, Indians, Orientals, and countless more, many Koreans. And young people and children with mixed features, which I guess are children of multicultural marriages between Koreans and European members, and African Americans, as the wording of this sectarian group, the multicultural and mass weddings. There were old people, old, middle-aged, young couples, some with children, adolescents and youth. All splendidly dressed, highly elegant party. All very well prepared, brought people from neighboring countries and not as neighbors to Madrid to appear in a greater representation than they really are in our country.

The program began with a preamble concert by the blind pianist D. Raul Thais Antequera, melody clearly typical "New Age", flowing, water, relaxing ... It happens to be a follower of New Age currents, energies, their therapy and the teachings of Osho .

welcome followed by D. Armando Lozano, director of the FPU (Federation Universal Peace), one of the last names that he gave his Moon's Unification Church, who was the master of ceremonies, who asked that hopefully there are more people of good will and the Reverend Moon.

then International Director of the FPU, Mr. Thomas Walsh, said a few words to a song followed by the soprano Ms. Monica Luz , that although his curriculum may see a splendid career was presented as a person who makes healing therapy through their voice and practice this technique from Tibetan Buddhism. Accompanied by pianist sings aforementioned melody, as he says, "meditate to hear" .

follows a interfaith prayer, where the first to do it is not announced in the playbill, the Secretary of the Islamic Federation of Spain, D. Yusuf Fernández , which is not present at the time, but Ms. Silvia Closed , a convert to Islam from Christianity, elegantly dressed in her hijab , who recites in Arabic what I believe is the Surat Al-Fatiha ", who played [the Muslims do not translate the Koran, as interpreted] as: " In the name God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, King of Judgement Day. Only you worship, you alone we ask for help. Guide us the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, not those who incur your wrath, nor of those who go astray ".

follows the prayer of a member of the Royal Academy of Doctors in Spain, D. Abraham Haim, and presented as a friend and supporter of interfaith dialogue, that neat suit and touched by the kippah on his head, sing a psalm in Hebrew [for Christians, 117 and 118]: "Load God of all nations, give honor all peoples. [...] The truth of God endures forever. [...] The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of [...] ".

then took the floor catholic, trinity, Father D. Isidro Hernández , presented as a friend by Mr. Lozano, and without any distinctive sign of their status as a Catholic priest, which is said to have worked in the CONFER until recently in the Department of Media. His prayer was focused on peace by taking pieces of John Paul II , since, as said, "within a few days is news ", where mention men of goodwill to build peace, and send the request to achieve the Holy Spirit, and the hatred and war give way to peace, harmony and forgiveness.

Following are some words of congratulations to the founder Moon by two speakers, as we read in the playbill. The first is D. José Manuel Laureiro , director of public school kindergarten and primary education "Antonio Moreno Rosales", where students from over 30 nations live in harmony in the Lavapies, making intercultural work and where word "peace" is omnipresent in the center, recalls Mr. Lozano. [And so, since one of the associations linked to the Unification Church has collaborated on projects with this school, as we see here ].

The second speaker of the founder Moon Greeting run by the Catholic theologian D. Xabier Pikaza . Impeccably dressed in a suit and tie is presented by Mr. Lozano as "great friend" and "one of the best theologians and proponents of interreligious dialogue" . Mr. Pikaza says he does not know Moon and know it today, and although retired from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, has over 30 years the subject of the Phenomenology of Religion, and always had the final class on New Religious Movements, which also read some excerpts from the book of Rev. Moon, Divine Principle , and that students would always ask in these classes, seminar-style. Then, based on the questions of his students threw five of them [I hope it collected if any, in which case of not being sure, I will not be the literal letter of apologies to D. Xabier Pikaza, waiting for their fix if they wish]. The first is whether Moon is a Christian, is Taoist Buddhist, or shaman, or what he believes. The second is whether the vision he had in Moon says that claims that Jesus appeared to him: How he appeared, and if Jesus was alone or with a wife in heaven. [This is said in reference to the belief that Jesus Moon failed by not getting married, and thus not become a True Parent, which has made Moon with his wife in the third coming.] The third question is if now is finally the final victory, after the failure of Israel and Jesus, or not. The fourth is that there are things out there that say about this group, or read online, and you might have to go deeper and find out what's behind. The fifth and most difficult question is that the Reverend Moon says he has to liberate God's suffering, how to do that, what it is.

D. Xabier Pikaza said to be selected questions of their students in those 30 years of training in Salamanca and now makes here. He contends that students do not know if anyone has done or not a follower of the Unification Church, but it ended up respecting the Rev. Moon and that they were Christians have become better Christians. Mr. Lozano said to be a good introduction to these questions now tell us the Reverend Moon.

[Now I write a personal note: I no longer spend 24 hours waiting to see in the blog D. Xabier Pikaza, some mention of the event occurred yesterday. For that reason did not wish RIES out last night and this morning the article, and waited 24 hours. Reflected the absence of anything, we took our notes as we have prepared regarding these events.

I must say that the cult of the Unification Church has been used increasingly by members of other religions, including Catholicism, to be propaganda. The emergence of a Trinitarian priest and a former priest of Our Lady of Mercy, who left the priesthood, but of which nothing is said about it and is presented and is presented only as a Catholic theologian and professor at the Universidad Pontificia Salamanca for 30 years, no more than a facelift for the Moonies.

Referring to the five questions from Mr. Pikaza, that does not put on their lips, but that of their students, the couple surprised by it, are lazy intellectually ahead of the sect provided here, demonstrate a weak knowledge sectarian group of the Unification Church, does not deepen as one would expect a professor of Phenomenology of Religion, are not a deep study of reality and actually hide their intentions, or mention the coercive techniques and mental manipulation and former member of Moon Steven Hassan studied deeply, or financial scandals and fraud throughout its existence. To quote this blog , this other , or next sheet, along with the other . Recall that in 2003 the Moonies began his campaign "burying the Christian cross" , seeing it as a sign of Jesus' suffering and pain and division among people, considering also a symbol of oppression, leading even at a ceremony to bury it underground.]

continue with the act. After words of greeting from the two speakers, followed by a brief video presentation on the history of Moon and a strong focus on the propaganda of its ideas and its glories, its influence with world leaders in the U.S., United Nations, the struggle against communism, the role of the founder Moon and his wife, called Padres True, etc.

presentation run by the founder of one of his sons, named Rev. Hyung Jin Moon , Harvard graduate in theology, they say, [though we doubt it because as we see in a web 's own Unification Church, we are told that he graduated from Columbia and studied theology in college he created his own sect. So we should check even accuracy of these data]. It appears as a fan of all religions, says D. Armando Lozano, and has collaborated with Catholic nuns and Tibetan monks. In his speech made a eulogy of his father as Master, Messiah, True Father. He claims that his father is the one who fulfills God's ideal, and has assumed the burden of our sins, as Jesus Christ, thus paying the price for them.

And finally comes the founder Moon, a 92 year old who looks 20 years younger, that's the truth. Is chanted by the entire assembly standing shouting "bravo" and filmed by a multitude of camera phones. From here we enter a speeches about an hour and frayed the thickest we've ever heard. Speaking of numerology, the number one of two numbering the fingers, the phalanges, forearm, appoints the first day of Genesis, the first night and the first day, of how two numbers are odd numbers torque, etc.. An empty and childish babble which disturb the assembly that is changing the face. Talk like children in a children's program where prizes were gallufantes, all very lost, naive, people feel pain and discomfort at times. People start to get up and leave. The English translator translates from Korean us [there is another translator who translates into English as well, due to the presence of so many non-English] says the handset "we leave that to try to see where it wants to" , and people laugh. The translator is lost several times. Moon says that what goes before, white or red, or black or white, or day or night, which in Korean is said day and night, black and white, unlike in English, and to guide is more spiritual than materialistic west, away from God. And he says the sun rises in the east.

The self-proclaimed Reverend Moon sprinkles his speech with angry shouts that reach more than embarrass one of the attendees, whistles and repeated throughout the night to raise laughs from some of those who listen. His speech is still a mess in which we asked why it says "inglis" if you write "Inglés" . And he asks us to expect that we will not be hard to understand. Keep up the numerology of the hands, and goes and comes in its constant mix of topics and broken sentences. It tells us that God likes the even number you do not like being alone. An aide close to me are sick of nonsense and pull the helmet down and be unable to take anymore, the neighbor, African tells gestures that need to retrieve the passport and the re-take and underway. Meanwhile Moon makes the musical scale ascending and descending, but is confused when making the down and not able to complete. Tells us that women have breasts and hips for childbearing. The translator did not understand again, we are told by their helmets. Follow people marching outside the room, now in pairs. Another one follows them.

says his children told to stop wandering and to read the speech. They all laugh and applaud the old Moon. So take your glass of water, fills the mouth and spits it strongly to the public in the first row and laughs. We say that is English, Hispanic, who has seen it in Latin America (sic) and he is as macho as any of the English also in the fight. That is very athletic and that she has assembled a Cup soccer Peace. Tells us that without the thumb and index finger can not catch things. They get up two more, then another, now four, three, a trickle of people can not hold up over the babbling of an old gagá that mixes ideas of their beliefs with a rambling speech. People whisper. Now tells us that North Pole is a temperature of 273 degrees below zero, there can be no more [the truth is that this is false; 273 degrees below zero, -273.16 ° C really is absolute zero or zero Kelvin, which lowest possible temperature is achievable, but the North Pole or not far enough, having reaching a minimum of 70 degrees below zero]. She wondered then what comes before the snow or ice. He leaves a whole row of people.

claims that women dominated the man Adam in the first Fall, and Adam came after Jesus and after him. He screams and says we are entering an era of openness of Heaven, and cry if we want to hear new words, of celestial time. Someone yells yes. But then said to be similar words and are not unlike those of today. Then asserts that the First World War began not neither Spain nor France nor Germany nor Italy, but England, which is a feminine country [in Korean may be so, data that we have not verified]. People were still marching.

We hear claims that his life would have been called crazy and that it is not, it's very smart. Start reading the speech, but still wandering, and the translator tells us he does not know what to do. Moon asked people if they get bored, and says if you want to read the speech. People take an hour listening inconsistencies Moon, and follows the trickle of people leaving. Then

says as a man, male, no English that will win, and whoever wants to leave to leave, he closes the door. The translator says that numerology again, and people laugh. The translator tells people not to laugh or throw it to him, and that makes most people laugh. Moon by angry people who get up and go and says where they go, and cry, and says go to hell. He says he can answer all the questions, and if people are not going to start listening to the answers. And now begins to read the speech, after an hour of broken sentences, a 17-page speech that all attendees have printed and given to enter, in full.

Occasionally loudly asks people if they are to engage in what he says the speech, and exhausted people say yes, and sometimes applauded. This happens several times. He talks about his autobiography and is a bestseller in Korea, that Spain also has to be. This book is the ultimate gift for all participants, told us an hour and a half ago Mr. Armando Lozano. Said that if there is a best-seller in Spain is the fault of the audience, and screams that make him the most read. Then shouts that if they do not plan to make it so have no shame. And people laugh. What if they do not go to hell. They buy it, that he will buy to pass, although they have to sell something to buy it. Keep going people, two, three, a group of six. The people saw someone leave also takes advantage and gets up. There are many gaps and between the crowded auditorium at the beginning. And then read the speech. Affirms

then he can not lie, and that when they die they will know that he tells the truth. Repeat for the third time that five of her children have graduated from Harvard. Says some pastors evangelists prayed that he died, which has been pursued. Ask the people who oppose it want to stand up. Nobody gets up, and I will not expel me, so this is not my case, I'm still sitting. Ask who wants to follow to get up and clap, and the dough rises and does. Then boasts of his age and feel young, that if you take a pulse would win a majority of those present. Fisheries talks and makes sounds with his mouth gesturing. Claims to have many records in sports, especially in fishing, and hunting ducks. People still marching, three, now five, also soprano arm carrying the pianist, and the guide dog. And then read the speech.

says the assembly you just visited Toledo and liked, and took oil. And he asks, "What kind of oil is that, unhappy?" , "how do you say in English?" , and the translator says helmets for yell "olive" , "olive" . All scream "olive" , "olive" . He says that English women are beautiful, thin and more the Korean cute. And at the back of the room looks beautiful women. States that if a proposition ago half would be provided. Ask applaud him and the people applaud. Then said to feel they are doing very well, which is being flattered. And then read the speech.

asserts that what is said in the speech he revealed that he has never lied in his life. A group of eight Africans about me leave the room. Moon says he is restoring the suffering of Jesus in Gethsemane. Finally, 23.27 minutes to finish the speech. Da cheering for Spain, the people stand up and applaud, being at that time about two thirds of the total initial attendees. About 200 people were marching and the corridors of the Palace Hotel pick up many of the members talk among themselves.

Afghan Professor D. Hakami Azizurahman and president of the Afghan Women's Association Ms. Sapirie Hakami make it a delivery of flowers, and D. Lozano Armando da end the act by asking people to pick up your gift book, the autobiography of Moon. Les

copy now some fragments of discourse, in order to make sense of the beliefs of this group through the act yesterday:

"What I am about to proclaim today is part of the discourse of the True Parents tour that herald the conclusion final compliance with all aspects of the providence of restoration over the life of the True Parents. The path taken by the True Parents serve as tradition and historical example, therefore, declare that all of you should follow this model in their lives, with families who swear inherit and carry out the will of God and True Parents have been met, and be true to that promise. [...]

You should also, as we have done the True Parents, heavenly become bridges for their families and members of his clan and also become God centered leaders who can lead his clan into the kingdom of God. [...]

Distinguished leaders from around the world, distinguished local and foreign guests, ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, the United States of America, and members of the Unification Church blessed by the entire cosmos (spiritual and physical world), I sincerely welcome and I express my deepest thanks for coming, despite their busy schedules-this Cosmic Assembly to install the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and for proclaiming the Word of God the Be Substantial. [...]

Throughout my life, I offered myself for the release of God-the one and only father of heaven and earth "to restore it to its rightful position of the Father, to save all human beings who suffer in the field of death and return to the bosom of God.

For this purpose, I persevered and triumphed only on countless tribulations leading mankind-that as orphans lost and unconscious, look to your heavenly parents, toward the goal of global salvation. Since the fall of the first ancestors, people born in the wrong line. All, without exception, they wander in the dark even now, unable to free themselves from the bondage of Satan. Under such circumstances, How could my wife and I, being nothing less than completely serious in our lives as we show the 7 billion people in the world, the road to building the kingdom of God on earth? [...]

Although the lives of the people whose names I have mentioned [referring to people mentioned in previous lines, not included here, as some leaders like R. Reagan, M. Gorbachev, or the 46 sailors killed in a recent South Korean torpedo boat from neighboring North Korea] have been altruistic and philanthropic, none of them is guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the blessing of Marriage and Blessing of Seunghwa, part of True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Moon. This is because the parent-child relationship between God and humanity was cut as a result of the fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.

Ladies and gentlemen, this was where God has proclaimed the Celestial Calendar, is very serious. Now the time in which the 7 billion people in the world must understand the teachings as a parent I am bequeathing True which is responsible to give eternal life to all mankind. Now is the time where you can share the good news of the arrival of the True Parents throughout the world. [...] We

living in the historic time of a great cosmic transition. [...] I have already proclaimed on 13 January 2013 is the "Day of the Foundation." That day will be the true beginning and birth of the kingdom of God of Cheon Il Guk. [...]

All Christians recognize that God sent down His own son Jesus Christ 2000 years ago to save humanity. However, Jesus had a tragic end. Jewish leaders and people of Israel were to receive the Messiah and follow the path of faith, love and absolute obedience. They should not have ever allowed to happen the crucifixion of Jesus. He left this world prematurely, after delivering, "It is finished." However, these words apply only to salvation in the spiritual realm and promised to return.

Ladies and gentlemen, God created and prepared the Korean people for thousands of years. After two thousand years of preparation, his work has borne fruit in the Second Coming of Christ on the Korean peninsula. From the past, Koreans have praised God as the primordial and highest ancestor of their ancestors. [...]

The spirit of "benefit humanity" still flows in the veins of the Koreans. The spirit of filial piety, loyalty and loyalty, which are the fundamental virtues of human life, are still alive and breathing in the history of Korea. [...]

On the basis of such preparation, and mounted on the power of this peninsula, I finally arrived, having received the seal of heaven, as the True Parent of humanity, and the king of kings. [...]

True Parents have already prepared the last words I give to humanity. [...] These manuals and books that you have to read and study, even after going to the spiritual world. Not just teachings that come from the mind of a human being are textbooks and teaching materials showing the heavenly way that God has granted His suffering children for their salvation. [...]

Success comes at the third attempt. This [is the number 3] were also symbolizes the Old, New and Complete Wills. [...]

Therefore, Korea will now become the homeland and in God's land. [...]

First, all blessed families must attend God as the center of their families, and carry out every day, hoondok education, which can unite all parents and children. In other words, should fully teach the Divine Principle [is the main work of the Unification Church sect] textbooks and educational materials that True Parents have left, the autobiography of the True Father and absolute marital fidelity taught through the Original Divine Principle. [...]

As Korea is the country and the Home of God because it is the nation of the True Parents, we must ensure that all Koreans participate in these ceremonies. [...]

We have recently retaken control of the Washington Times newspaper , I grabbed the deceitfulness of my hands if this is not a miracle, I do not know what will. [...]

atheism and communism, who deny the existence of God, be discarded, opening the way to build the world that God originally devised, where everyone can communicate in harmony. [...]

With these words of speech Moon, founder of the Unification Church sect we will consider the story of what happened yesterday in Madrid, the Hotel Palace. April 26, 2011. Luis Santamaría

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Portabel Hairdresser Sinks

Anthony Garcia: The tattoo of a member of the maras, solve the crime

County Detective Kevin Lloyd Los Angeles was flipping through a routine process in 2008 the archives of photos of gang members when a picture caught his attention by the amount of detail that reminded tattooed a crime that he had decided to freeze after four years of research, revealed the Los Angeles Times.

The police station confirmed to AFP that story and said that for now the detective was not available for comment.

These were the photos taken by a misdemeanor to Anthony Garcia, a member of one of the gangs that plague Pico Rivera, a suburb southeast of Los Angeles where Salvadoran immigrants who fled civil war formed in the 80's most dangerous criminal groups, the Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13 and its bitter rival, Mara 18 or M-18.

In 2004, a spectacular murder in a liquor store in Pico Rivera ended the life of Juan Juarez, a 23 years, the authorities tried to figure out without success, including the detective Lloyd.

All steps before, during and after the murder of García tattooed from both ends of your collarbone and drawing in the middle of his chest where he killed the Juarez liquor store, even with Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling the local time of the crime.

What time Garcia was tattooed his crime? These are details that remain unclear, but as a fellow detective recognized Lloyd, Captain Mike Parker the fact that "confession is tattooed on his chest, is having a significant degree of luck." The photo was taken in the police station in Pico Rivera, where Lloyd, a detective with 30-year career, he served for many years. Garcia had been briefly detained for driving with an expired license.

That misdemeanor was signed and when released, the police applied the standard procedure for anyone who is suspected of being gang members: they must take photos without shirts and focus especially tattoos, or encrypted communications to bring their IDs gangs and enemies.

"I worked in Pico Rivera for many years, so was quite familiar with the area. It was incredible," Lloyd told the newspaper.

Since 2008, the detective worked for the whereabouts of Anthony Garcia, who lived with his family in an area of \u200b\u200bLos Angeles, was arrested and has since found ways to make your confession of the crime beyond the tattoo. In prison

Garcia, 25, was visited by two detectives who posed as gang members and they confessed the crime of Pico Rivera. His words were recorded and served for jury found him guilty of first degree murder this week. Anthony Garcia will be sentenced in May.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Prices Of Resale Property In Kharghar

Charles Manson breaks his silence in Vanity Fair Spain

"I live in the underworld. not tell the people what q eu do. They know what q eu do. And if you do not know, do not come to me. I am very petty. am very bad man. Dirty. I'm in the bullring. No game. Shooting people. I'm an outlaw. I'm all wrong. " It responds Charles Ma nson when asked today if the crimes of the Tate / La Bianca in August 1969 Naron shock of the world. As the world marks 40 years since he was convicted for those crimes , Manson, 76, has granted VANITY FAIR SPAIN from Corcoran Prison in California, his first interview after more than two decades of silence. "Weeds n o not die," ce di Charles Manson speaking English.

The nights 9 August 10 August 1969 four young people with whom he shared hippie commune on a ranch outside Los Angeles Á brutally murdered seven people, including actress Sharon Tate, wife of filmmaker to Roman Polanski and was eight months pregnant . As stated during the trial, which lasted nine m onths , Manson was the one who ordered the commission of those crimes, which were intended to spur a g racial uerra Manson himself would have predicted.

Recently, after 42 years locked by a Quellos crimes Manson has been first z is in the hands of an attorney, the Italian Giovanni DiStefano, previously known for defending Saddam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic, to try to reopen his case. DiStefano has filed on his behalf an appeal to the Interamerican Human Rights Committee and has also sent a letter to U.S. President, Barack Obama, which prompted the reversal of the conviction for having violated during the Manson trial rights . It argues that Manson was not allowed to defend himself nor testify before a grand jury to consider that the prosecutor manipulated creating a theory about a conspiracy that n or existed.

"I think Obama is an idiot for doing what he does. I do not know how you were able to cheat to get there. Not realize what they are doing. They are playing with him, "Manson says Vanity Fair when asked his opinion about the president, whom he considers" a slave to Wall Street. "

Manson, who was sentenced to death but whose sentence was commuted to life imprisonment following the abolition of capital punishment in California, maintains a large number of fans and onlookers who continue sending letters to prison where he has spent 63 of the 76 years of his life. It has also become over the years, for many of his followers, an example of environmentalism with its movement ATWA (air, trees, water and animals), which warns of the destruction of the planet from pollution.

"We are all martyrs. Love is a martyr. That is why Christ calls attention. So they crucified him. crucify people and their bodies hung on a cross. And we call ourselves Christians then. So who is the martyr? Who destroys love, or who destroys the destroyer? Is a circle. It's good and bad. Yes, I am a martyr. But I am also a victim. And I'm a performer. And a dam. I'm both. I am everything. I am nothing, "Manson Case. "Sooner or later the will of God will prevail over you all. And I was condemned as the will of God. "

Friday, April 15, 2011

Babelicious Sample Cover

Argentina: Another Jehovah's Witness dies for refusing a blood transfusion

As we read in La Gaceta de Tucumán, a 67 year old man died on April 6 in a sanatorium in Rosario (Argentina) after refusing to receive a blood transfusion, in compliance with a precept of his sect, the Jehovah's Witnesses. I informed the judge that was involved in the case, Raquel Cosgaya.

The man was hospitalized in critical condition weeks ago in July Sanatorium Corso. On the radio the judge noted that the patient was hospitalized with consent, but had left seated in a document on religious grounds did not allow blood transfusion if necessary. His wife and daughter endorsed that request. Prosecute the case after a presentation by the representative of the hospital in a police station.

Raquel Cosgaya

The judge considered that "we must respect the wishes and beliefs," and added: "We are not a case of abandonment of person. " In the newspaper La Capital, we read that the patient had entered the health center in San Juan on 19 March 3034. Detailed as the Medical Director, Américo Daminato, presented "a complicated circulatory problem, had a surgical indication, given its box was the need a transfusion."

But the patient, his wife and sons refused. "Citing religious beliefs, he and his family refused transfusion and signed a document. Then launched a heritropoyetina alternative therapy, which takes more time and gave a result set, "explained Daminato.
The doctor stressed that the family "knew and had been informed of the risks involved do not carry out treatment, there was even life-threatening." Despite that, the family maintained its position and the patient's condition worsened. So he was transferred to intensive care and undergone surgery to alternative therapeutic measures.

"In the last hours were critical and box again raised the option of the transfusion, but again denied. There, he turned to the Justice to acknowledge the situation, "said the director of the Julio Corzo, which said the decision was "own the hospital and doctors, without the mediation of any other family."

The order was placed on the Judge of Instruction No. 6 Cosgaya Raquel, who after confirming the originality of the documents signed by the patient and his family did not authorize the practice. Finally the man died on April 6, at 1:30 am.

The judge stated that with the consent of his wife and two daughters, the patient had left a record in which he expressed his desire not to be transfused. So only proceeded to order the hospital to not perform practice. "We must respect the wishes and beliefs. Physicians exposed transfusion was needed, but respected the will of the patient, "said Cosgaya to The Capital.

"trumps the will of the person who must receive transfusions, respect for their decision. Moreover, the man was already in a critical condition, of course I'm not care to determine whether or not transfusion was necessary in this case, but remained in an almost irreversible, "said the judge, was quoted by Noticias Argentinas.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What To Do When Mother Dog Tries To Move Puppies

Ana Maria Cameno: Santera and "queen "Criminology

Antena3 issued a few days ago the documentary "Check to the Queen", dedicated to the case of Ana Maria Cameno. A root of this issue and Luis Manuel Marlasca Rendueles updated the history of this remarkable woman in her web "area? io N egro." A case The Crime File already reflected in the time of arrest ( )


The Dura Perdita ngo of Alex de la Iglesia or La Reina del Sur of Arturo Pérez Reverte are two characters in the fiction that seems to have overcome the woman who will speak today at Black Territory. Cameno Ana Antolin leading an organization that had raised, according to police, the largest cocaine processing laboratory in Europe. also was a member of one of the country's most wanted traffickers

Cameno Ana Maria is a English woman, born forty years ago Burgos and devoted many years drug trafficking. She is married to David Vel charge nurse had a very strong re-trafficking d consist of not less than thirty people. In addition, r Egenter a jewelry business that was willing l.

A true matriarch seems there was in this business. Unlike other cases we have had here , Ana, known as The Tits, grew the business on its merits alone, was able to distribute in a very short time hundreds of kilos of cocaine.

The nickname of the Tits has a simple explanation: l police for months I have been watching the -Greco, Central Narcotics Brigade, central-UDEV learned that the woman had gone Medellin to do business and a way to get a bigger size bra ... The nickname was easy, and indeed, woman t UVO prostheses problems because it caused an infection. Their ability to distribute cocaine he was given by the network of contacts he had and the stores or caches had in Madrid, where he was saving to lijos you came for, before long, sac arlos for sale ...

Ana not was responsible for bringing cocaine from Colombia or Venezuela. was, say, the second step, the person receiving the merchandise and sells it in batches of one to five kilos to smaller distributors. In fact, neither she nor his or cut adulterated drugs. When I got a shipment of 300 or 500 kilos, its network of coves divided by or safety mats had, indeed, all located near the headquarters of the police. In one of them was where he kept 276 kilos of coca. To distribute the drug, Ana had a group of very effective and very professional ...

Del best. Just a tip: cu 'm the police intervened in power of the group found 470 mobile phones, a hundred of them on. Each terminal was used to call a single person, who was identified with a sticker a cartoon. No names. In addition, most members of the organization came to the laboratory or the floors of a safety goggles covered with black tape so that they did not know cotton of which way they were not followed .

was convinced to have help from other worlds . Ana was a devotee of Santeria, Palo Mayombe of a mode of this religion of African origin that is widely practiced in Cuba . So devoted was that the police to know when going to get a shipment of cocaine for days before making a rite and was entrusted to one of their gods as Obatala and Xango ... One of his bodyguards came one day terrified because he said that in the back seat wearing dead. stopped the car in the middle of the M-40 and got ...

The police who have watched for months have shown, for example, how Ana climbed on top of a ram, beheaded him and bathed in blood. also has culled birds, ducks, sheep ... in a river near his home. When police stopped her in her cottage found a room devoted to these rituals, with polls in which he kept viscera of animals. For ceremonies media did not notice. was able to spend 6,000 euros to be brought from Cuba a group of drummers for their ceremonies.

Ana received continuous SMS that announced the arrival of new collections to the boutiques of Louis Vutton, Gucci, Hermes ... the best shops in Madrid, and n which was one of his best customers. I had a lot of money: the police found among his documentation and outputs log entries indicating that money had entered 18 million euros of its distributors. I was afraid to give him a band and lived a stick permanently guarded by bodyguards and adolescents PTAB all kinds of security measures.

And besides all that drug distribution, Anne had decided to mount a huge laboratory ... So big that he had prepared more than 33 tons of liquid precursors, cooks had brought from Colombia and all was ready to launch a laboratory identical to those in the Colombian jungle, but in the mountains of Madrid. The problem is that he had not reached the base paste, to start working cocaine hydrochloride ... The laboratory still had not begun to function.

In collapse operation, as they called the police, participated fifty players who have barely been able to enjoy Christmas. In fact, the Epiphany, instead of eating with their families roscón or enjoying their children, all were on alert, they thought he was going to move the laboratory and would have to act ... The arrests were the next day, on 7 January.

As always, congratulations to our police , for which there is, as we can see, or Twelfth Night. The importance of Ana, The Tits, is huge, but in the same operation collapse has dropped a piece of hunting, or not those guys who had spent years being targeted police.

Lauro Sanchez Serrano is . A English, hij or a Colombian woman, considered one of the biggest traders in Spain, but it was very difficult hunt. Things were not going too well in recent times: it had foiled two attempts to bring in Spain large drug shipments. So he teamed up with Ana, but was below her in the organization. It provided women Juárez Smith brothers, two real machines traffic, the best distributors in Spain, although one of them, Victor is in a wheelchair. In any case, Lauro depended on the drug that came to Anna She put the goods and the power, influence, contacts, k now how ...

Lauro had many years on top: it has two successful restaurants, a huge nightclub and one the most popular gyms Madrid, that will train many VIPs and many of the most intimidating nightclub doormen ... Lauro was one of the main objectives of the operation cocktail sauce ...

E n 2004, after the death of Carmina Ordóñez , the Interior Ministry decided to create a police team to make an example. it was halting the ease and joy with which boasted many famous consume drugs ... They went on television making an apology about drug use ...

compounds were made by police groups that might go unnoticed in local fashion, as he owned Lauro. noted, looked for sources of information, but not with much success.

did not go well because many times the police had to be paid out of pocket money that cost entry or drinks in these places and sometimes not even let them enter because they were private parties in the running Cocaine galore ...


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jackie Lightspeed Lightspeed

of cocaine to resolve the first crime in history

Del body nothing more was heard. Skull itself, certainly the most important part of this macabre ceremony. After being separated from the body, a gesture with great meaning, is buried in a different place, face down and in a dark clay, sandy and soft and, above all, very rich in organic matter. A wise decision for thousands of years later a group of scientists happy.

Like a group de investigadores de la Policía se tratase, científicos de la Universidad de York (Reino Unido) han reconstruido paso a paso este macabro crimen ritual hasta afinar al máximo el cuándo (entre el 673 a.C. y el 482 a.C., en la Edad de Hierro) y el cómo se produjo la muerte, algo “realmente infrecuente con unos restos humanos hallados en yacimientos arqueológicos”, asegura la coordinadora del estudio, Sonia O'Connor, miembr o de la Universidad de Bradford e investigadora visitante honoraria en York.

Con todo, lo que ha dejado con la boca abierta a los científicos es el hecho de haberse encountered remnants of the brain, considered the oldest in the United Kingdom's on record and one of the soft tissue samples oldest found in the world. How could he stay so long? What has preserved for 2,500 years despite being a material so vulnerable? The skull base That's the first question asked by the researcher at the University of York Rachel Cubitt when I was cleaning the skull and saw something moving inside.

After fixing his gaze at the base of the skull found an unusual yellow substance. "At that moment I remembered a lecture by Professor Sonia O'Connor on cases of strange permanence of ancient brain tissue. why we decided to compare our findings with the remains that O'Connor had recovered from medieval skeletons found at Hull Magistrates Court, "says Cubitt . The research, published in Journal of Archaeological Science have participated bioarchaeologists, neurologists and chemicals, which have used the latest available techniques such as mass spectrometers and a CT scanner computerizada (CAT) para examinar muestras del cerebro.

Estas muestras contenían una secuencia de ADN (ácido desoxirribonucleico) que se correspondía con otras secuencias halladas únicamente en algunos sujetos de la Toscana (Italia) y del Oriente Próximo. Según la datación por radiocarbono, los restos serían de entre el año 673 a.C. y el 482 a.C. Conservación del cerebro «Esta es la investigación más exhaustiva que se ha realizado sobre un cerebro hallado en un esqueleto enterrado. Nos ha permitido empezar a comprender el mecanismo por el que un cerebro ha podido kept for thousands of years although the remaining soft tissues have decomposed, "says O'Connor. The hydrated state of the brain and the lack of evidence of putrefaction suggest that the burial-in fine-grained anoxic sediments of the pit, there was very little after the death .

is an unusual sequence of events that could be the reason for the exceptional condition of the brain ", reports the European agency scientific Cordis. marks and fractures in the bones do suggest that the man probably died hanged and then his head was carefully pulled the body to be buried elsewhere. There is no evidence, however, embalming and preservation techniques suggest that there was an intention to preserve the brain. Only the happy coincidence of choosing the most appropriate.

not only by the material surrounding the bones, because sio "treasure" was nothing more and nothing less than the campus of the University. The remains were found in 2008 during the redevelopment of the campus of the University, which have invested 500 million pounds. And not only that. Earlier this year they found the bones of one of the earliest victims of tuberculosis for which the record, those of a man shot in the late Roman Empire. Quite a paradox in the case of the Faculty of Archaeology.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Contact Public Royalty

ritual Report on the Intelligence Academy in Antena3 CHASE GLOBAL

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby Messages On Books

The FBI asks for help solving a riddle

could call Dan Brown or Robert Langdon, the protagonist of his novel The Da Vinci Code. To the best cinematic style, reveals an unsolved crime to FBI experts. is that 12 years ago fail to decipher a secret code found two notes written next to a corpse.

Ricky McCormick's body was found in Missouri in June 1999. He had been killed from a blow to the head. There were many more tracks, except po r two coded messages scribbled on scraps of paper that lay crumpled in the pocket waiting for someone to understand.

Twelve years later, FBI experts gave up. Decoding Unit seems to have exhausted their resources and decided to seek help from ordinary people to break the code. Amateur

always to the codes, Ricky McCormick wrote two pages of letters, numbers and symbols, and put them in his pocket. His body was found in a cornfield in the summer of 1999, still on these two pages.

ALPONTE GLSE - SE Erte, said one of the lines of the message . Is it a coded call for help? Can data from a possible murderer? Or just a reminder of some task ahead?

who are encouraged to work on "McCormick Code," which has puzzled cryptologists government for over a decade, it has more to join the FBI web and off the two notes that are there published and perhaps solve a crime that it's still perfect.

Dan Olson, director of the Laboratory of Cryptanalysis and records of illegal association, said the papers found in the body of McCormick, 41, could be the key to decipher why he was killed.

However, none of his cryptologists has been able to crack the code created by McCormick, who dropped out in high school, even after seven years of work.

why the FBI appealed to the public for help, hoping that someone will recognize the code used by McCormick in the two papers carried the agency.

Police said McCormick experimented with codes and numbers for much of his life. "We asked the family and said he did very often,''said Lt. Craig McGuire, Office of Police of St. Charles County. But" nobody really knows what it means . It is like a personal diary.'' For

authorities would be helpful if someone had a sample of the system "McCormick Code." All they know is that the notes were written two or three days before his death. "Even if we discover that he was writing a shopping list or a love letter, still want to know how it works and l code," Olson admitted. "This is an encryption system that sabem you anything."

While the FBI no longer has techniques of analysis to go to, Olson says it is very likely that "the answer will come from a source not cryptology", in amateurs they are told.

"Discovering the code would reveal the whereabouts of the victim before his death and could lead to solving a murder," they say from the FBI not to lose hope that the notes contain cryptic information about their partners, their business or where McCormick could have spent the last hours of his life.

Since the FBI made its request for help has received over a thousand responses, so that opened a site to unify them, but so far none has yielded results.

The FBI says it "has always relied on the ends and public assistance to solve crimes, and even crack a code can represent a special circumstance, your help could help the investigation. There is no reward ... just a challenge and the satisfaction of knowing that their intellectual capacity can help bring a murderer to justice. "

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pink Fur Wallpaper Wizards Of Waverly Place

Ramoncito Case: 7 life sentences for those convicted of ritual murder

The Court of Criminal Chamber of the town of Mercedes ( Argentina) sentenced yesterday to life imprisonment for seven of the nine accused in the murder of Ramon Ignacio "Ramon Gonzalez, the 12-year-old in October 2006 was raped, tortured and beheaded as part of a satanic ritual. Time

As reported, the decision fell to Ivan Esteban Escalante (21), Yolanda Bentura Martina (42), César Carlos Alberto Beguiristain (20), alias "El Brujo" or "Buenos Aires", Ana María Sánchez (48), Claudio Nicolás González (18), Jorge Carlos Alegre (32) and Osmar Osvaldo Aranda (52).

The remaining two defendants, Fermín Sánchez Reinaldo (33) and Patricia Mabel Lopez, were acquitted by judges decision Silvero Adolfo Raul, Juan Manuel Iglesias and Juan Carlos Raúl Guerin, who from 19:15 gave its verdict and reading also had the ieron "Immediate release" of both Act accomplished within a few hours. The allegations, the trial prosecutors, Juan Alejandro Alegre and Chain, and the prosecuting attorney Marc Hanson, had requested life imprisonment for the nine defendants on charges of "cruelty qualified triple murder, treachery, and in aid of two or more persons, and sexual abuse and unlawful carnal knowledge of freedom. " Meanwhile, the case is one tenth defendant, Daniel Alegre, who is currently a fugitive from justice and who are not strong clues to bring about their arrest.

Once you know the fault, the mother of the victim, Norma Gonzalez said when leaving the room from your child now "rest in peace." But cried, "to bring Daniel Alegre, who found and also pay his conviction for what he did to Ramon," referring to the fugitive. Consistent also said the boy's aunt, called Olga.

For its part, plaintiff attorney Marc Hanson expressed his "satisfaction" with the sentencing of seven defendants, but said that "together with the DPP awaiting the fundamentals of acquittals to analyze the feasibility of an action appeal before the Superior Court of Justice. " In turn, counsel asserted that the convictions resulted in "satisfaction and relief" among relatives of the murdered child, especially his mother Norma Gonzalez, who "also claimed the acquittals were readdress this point and only in pursuit of a fugitive who has the cause. "

The need to readdress the acquittals lies in the seriousness of the charges against Fermín Sánchez, who is suspected of "repeatedly violated the minor, even the day before the crime," while "Patricia Lopez was the nurse who was present at the time of torture "and" took part injected drugs for the child and indicated the cuts that had to do to comply with the rite, "explains Hanson ed.

The debate began last September in the city located 230 kilometers from the capital of Corrientes, and during the hearing over 130 witnesses testified and at least three of them were arrested for perjury.

During the investigation of the bloody fact, was the defendant Beguiristain, arrested in January 2008 in the locality of Temperley, who told how he was the rape and dismemberment of "Ramon" and gave the names of other defendants.

During the trial also heard the testimony of "Ramonita" Gauna, the best friend of Ramon and even said it was his girlfriend, who returned to recount in great detail ghoulish night.

The gruesome fact
Ramon Ignacio Gonzalez, 12, left his humble home to the school shortly after noon on Friday, October 6, 2006. His mother, Norma Beatriz Gonzalez, a day after filing the application exposure whereabouts. Meanwhile, an intensive search was deployed. Caught his attention that his son did not return home.

Sunday 8 October about 8, the barking of dogs in a vacant lot of the tracks and Avenida San Martín aroused the curiosity of neighbors who went to look and found a body. It alerted the police. The body belonged to a child. Was determined after the boy was searched. The site of the scene is close to the bus terminal. Beside the body, cuts and displaying signs of torture, was the head which was completely scalpel. Scalp remains were scattered about the wasteland. The autopsy revealed that the boy was raped, impaled and then beheaded. The investigation established that the killing took shape during a satanic ritual.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Is A Deed Of Variation On Lease ?

The "snuff video" Murderer's Knin Spanish law could change

Could a single pup, barely 2 months old, change the laws of a country ...? That could happen in Spain after the brutal and savage torture he was subjected to the small Schanauzi in February ...
More than 100,000 people marched on Friday night in the streets of 55 English cities to condemn the mistreatment of animals and call attention to the need to increase the penalties contained in the Penal Code concerning this type of crime. The call for the demonstration, which emerged spontaneously from the hand of a few individuals and convened over the Internet, cor laughed quickly through the network thanks to the mass e-mails and social networking and bringing together more than 100,000 Internet users in Spain. The movement "Popular Initiative to the animal abuse" was born after the huge outcry popular due to the emergence of video torture a puppy named Schnauzi distributed through a blog. With the only competition of its effort and hours stolen from sleep, thousands of volunteers, as a first step, have achieved today the holding of multiple forms in English cities and have heard the will of a society that no longer willing to tolerate laziness administrations and justice to animal abuse.

In their placards, the protesters have said the mistreatment of animals as unfit for civilized countries have called on politicians of any ideology that also fight of those most suffering from neglect, violence and neglect, and yet lack a voice, animals. Beings whose suffering is ignored and the system who, however, no limit is used. The movement's aim is to ensure the adequacy of the English legislation and harmonize it tightening up most developed countries in this regard, such as Switzerland, Germany and Holland. To this end, the group has started a petition over the Internet and in establishments that wish to join, which will be sent to the in stitution corresponding to demand changes. The new Penal Code, which was recently renovated, contains only sentences ranging three months to one year in prison for killing an animal, who stay in a simple penalty if the offender has no history.

In Madrid, where the meeting brought together more than 3,000 people, writer, poet and columnist for El Pais Ruth Toledano read a moving manifesto that called on politicians to torture and death of the puppy was not in vain ( ). Also recalled numerous scientific studies that show animal abuse is present in the early stages of the great criminals of history. The concentration Madrid also benefited from the generous collaboration of socio-musical group with their drums Batukada rattled energy to all attendees gathered there.

The first arrested for animal abuse after the video of Knin Murderer

In October 2009 neighbors Antonio Ayuso Calle Badajoz made a grisly discovery. Two puppies appeared in a garbage bag in a container. They had cut off the ears, tail and part of the language, but they were still alive, so their cries were used to get them rescued, but only one survived. Responsible for This abuse can face justice. Badajoz Seprona members have been arrested this week in the capital pacense a middle-aged man on suspicion of torture these dogs advance information to this newspaper by ADANA animal protection organization.

was on Monday when the Civil Guard officers attended an address in Badajoz to stop the alleged perpetrator and conduct a search of his home. On Wednesday, the man went to court and was released with charges. Research Sources say that the detainee admitted the facts and even said it was responsible for other animal abuse. This can pose a a prison sentence even as recently toughened Penal Code articles that collect these crimes. The Seprona, meanwhile, says it can not give more details because the investigations are still underway and this guy could even be related to the other perpetrator who tortured a puppy and uploaded the video to the Internet were identified as a Badajoz neighbor. Inquiries about this case, however, found that the video was posted from outside the country. Now continue the pursuit of this other guy because of the location of the first.

This arrest occurred thanks to research of agents in Badajoz Seprona that began in 2009 and has been very complicated. They explain that the shock of the video of the individual who has not yet been located has been an incentive to identify this other alleged offender. The Board has welcomed Extremadura has been arrested on suspicion of mutilation to various cubs and congratulated the Adana Humane Association for its fight to eradicate animal abuse.

also thanked the cooperation of citizens "must have" for the resolution of this case and others being made public "lately." But events this week, stemming from the video Murderer of Knin, and are a first step.