November 1989. TV3, Television Catalonia, issued "Life in a xip", an information and discussion presented by Joaquim Maria Puyal. That night, the topic was hypnosis. They shared the table of Dr. Ramón Sarró debate, a prominent psychiatrist who had in their curriculum have been a disciple of Freud and a professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine, University of Barcelona for twenty years, Dr. Luis Linares de Mula, MD , biochemical and pharmaceutical parapsychology enthusiast with several publications to his credit, and Dr. José Mir Rocafort, psychologist, known by the name given to her fame as a mentalist, Professor Fassmer.
A moment of the debate, according to the dynamics of the program, asked Professor Fassmer to make a demonstration of hypnosis. The teacher conducted with five volunteers, the numbers of hypnosis that was in the theater and took a young lady what was apparently a hypnotic regression. After the demonstration, gave the floor to the public who requested it. A group of viewers who said they began to attack illusionist experiments that the teacher had just made Fassmer accusing him of being a phony. Organized an angry discussion between those who attacked and who defended the teacher. The professor watched the bustle in silence looking at their all with those eyes of hers that seemed to peer at the world from an unfathomable depth, enduring, without a gesture, the allegations sought to launch a doubt black spot on his sixty year career.
When the presenter thought the hubbub had lasted long enough, back to the table and asked the teacher if it meant something. Fassmer replied: "No, nothing," facing the audience, but his mind was not there. Nine accused have been delivered to Satan because he practiced hypnosis exercises with friends of his people, accused of fraud by those who resented his success in scenarios; accused of charlatan by those who resented his prestige as a hypnotherapist, Josep Rocafort Mir had endured for eighty years of solitude to which he had been convicted, since his birth, the uniqueness and excellence of his prodigious mind. The embarrassing spectacle of the evening closed with implacable consequence, a life bafo always bound to be the focus of Fame and on the cusp of infamy.
I can not say if the face, always enigmatic, of my father at that time reflected a deep sadness and a quiet resignation. I did not get that night, and I got twenty years later, the calm essential to coldly analyze the episode and its protagonists. That's why I waste the storage of memory among the things not worth remembering, and passed, in fact, twenty years without remembering. But then I had to write the biography, and I realized that, however painful that proves me relive it could not ignore that infamous episode. Not because it was something unusual and important in the life of Professor Fassmer, but because that was his last public appearance, the last time a ragged handful could afford to vilify in public, for a few minutes, an extraordinary man. When I put the video of the program to narrate the biography, I thought the time would allow me to see those scenes with something, at least, of serenity. Not so. My anger was still alive as an open sore. I had to swallow watching those fanatics gall to throw trash on my father and I had to keep swallowing it while writing the espisodio making efforts to contain the feelings and sensations that threatened the objectivity of my work. I came to an end with the firm decision not to recall those scenes anymore. This time, however, my resolve only lasted a few months.
As if someone or something had not had enough with the story of the episode in the biography, as if someone or something would have thought that was inconclusive and did not want to leave it, a few days ago I received a message my facebook made me relive the horror of that night stoking anger and helplessness that had me leave the room and take refuge behind the door, unable to bear what he was seeing and hearing. The message was written in Catalan. I'll post here, translated into Castilian, the most relevant parts. The words of a friend who wrote it and sent it to me enough to bring out the greed, lack of scruples, immorality, in short, who in 1989 and today, tried and still trying to turn television into a dump so they can wallow in it like the most vulnerable to being drawn to the contemplation of the most abject and enjoy the thrill of adrenaline secretions.
"... The reason that I lose a few minutes is to thank for the publication of his book. The I read in one go and do it again to absorb the full value of the character ... Let me extended information about what you say happened in the "Life in a xip" by Joaquim Maria Puyal. It is true what you say, but it started much earlier ... (program staff) went to local SEI, English Society of Conjuring, looking for magicians who want to participate in the program. As a gift, gave away a watch. I signed up with fellow (I can tell you the names) ... I asked what role or questions or if we should do to remain silent. The answer was no, we had to give "cane" Professor Fassmer, whatever he did, because I had to be a program "Alive." .. I said to criticize me for criticizing not seem fair. In short, I have no watch. .. Is the example that, by television, the audience is more important than character, and that those "magicians illusionists." most of whom knew nothing of his father, as long as appearing on TV are able to sell their dignity without thinking that never in life could reach the heights of performance reached by Professor Fassmer.
Maria that was an ambush by four mediocre amateur magic and low sensitivity of television ...
Antoni Casas
Of course, I responded immediately to the message of Antoni Homes thanking him for his generosity and courage and for permission to publish his words here. Also immediately, Mr. Casas gave me permission to do so. I think it goes without saying nothing. Only it again from here, thanks, on behalf of my father.
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