A moment of the debate, according to the dynamics of the program, asked Professor Fassmer to make a demonstration of hypnosis. The teacher conducted with five volunteers, the numbers of hypnosis that was in the theater and took a young lady what was apparently a hypnotic regression. After the demonstration, gave the floor to the public who requested it. A group of viewers who said they began to attack illusionist experiments that the teacher had just made Fassmer accusing him of being a phony. Organized an angry discussion between those who attacked and who defended the teacher. The professor watched the bustle in silence looking at their all with those eyes of hers that seemed to peer at the world from an unfathomable depth, enduring, without a gesture, the allegations sought to launch a doubt black spot on his sixty year career.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
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A moment of the debate, according to the dynamics of the program, asked Professor Fassmer to make a demonstration of hypnosis. The teacher conducted with five volunteers, the numbers of hypnosis that was in the theater and took a young lady what was apparently a hypnotic regression. After the demonstration, gave the floor to the public who requested it. A group of viewers who said they began to attack illusionist experiments that the teacher had just made Fassmer accusing him of being a phony. Organized an angry discussion between those who attacked and who defended the teacher. The professor watched the bustle in silence looking at their all with those eyes of hers that seemed to peer at the world from an unfathomable depth, enduring, without a gesture, the allegations sought to launch a doubt black spot on his sixty year career.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
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Sunday, June 14, 2009
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I send you, with affection, a kiss
Enrique and Carlos Delgado Chalbaud Fassmer
many years ago, Dr. Francisco (Paco) Scannone and his wife told me a strange story in connection with the hypnotist , seer and magician English, José Mir, alias "Fassmer", in relation to Carlos Delgado Chalbaud.
were, a group of about thirty people (of which only two are left alive, X and another lady who unfortunately can not testify as suffering from Alzheimer's disease), guest house Dr. Alfredo Macho Gomez and his wife Carmen Zingg of males in the Paradise, and Alfredo as entertainment brought that night the magician Fassmer, very fashionable at the time, passing through Caracas (where he presented a daily basis act in the NATIONAL THEATRE) . Must have been on 3 November 1950.
First Fassmer was not a magician, was mental. Mentalism is a branch of illusionism and, because the illusion has been confused always with magic, it is likely that the confusion arises here. In Chapter XIX, called The swindlers terms are clarified by specifying the occupation of each. As Fassmer, never used magic, in fact, did not think had any magic effect other than to entrust him the beliefs of everyone.
Second, Fassmer was not sighted. In the dictionary of the Real Academia de la Lengua, the term, in its esoteric sense, appears with two meanings: p erson which aims to guess the future or to clarify what is hidden and the person who has visions are supernatural or out what considered common. Throughout his career, Fassmer had to speak before the press with the stereotyped language used mentalists, futurists and other similar professionals since the beginning of the shows "psychic" in the late nineteenth century. In private, always expressed serious doubts about the phenomenon of precognition, the prophecies attributed to natural vision, the deductive ability or chance. There is a story in Chapter XX, Las Americas illustrating their position. As required in Havana for a journalist to say how many would graced with the first prize in the lottery, let Fassmer the first number that came to mind. The fact that it did not buy that number shows that Fassmer not think of any time that it was a premonition. When the number was, in effect, rewarded, Fassmer attributed it to chance.
No data goal in life Fassmer shows that knew or believed to be able to divine the future. The only evidence that it did, the form of anecdotes like the one we referred to Dr. Kerdel-Vegas. But how objective are the kinds of stories and how much post processing? They are claiming that thousands of predictions made Fassmer in their consultations and private meetings in which he acted. Do they really made predictions that were met or people, conditioned by hypnosis, which they believed?
Rocafort Jose Mir did have to suffer from the effects of childhood that made him a power to sense, somehow, the imminent death of a person (see Chapter IX, A faculty uncomfortable), but never believed that the phenomenon indicated that he could "see" the future. For many years trying to find a cause that power so strange and painful, but never got it. Finally accepted that that faculty, like others who do not normally share most eidetic memory, for example, belongs to the mysteries of the mind that science has not yet fully explain.
If everything above this mafestó Fassmer never said in any way that I had visions, we must conclude, without doubt, it was not sighted.
As for the paraprofessionals or Fassmer, it was his wife, Josephine of the Church, under the pseudonym Miss Deyka participated in the show until the separation of the two in 1954.
Fassmer and presented Deyka several times in Venezuela between 1950 and 1954. In Caracas in 1953 opened a nightclub, "La Cueva del Guacharo." Fassmer left the country in 1954 and went on a private visit in 58. At the end of the sixties began to Caracas to visit once a year, until 1977, to provide Mental Dynamics courses.