Friday, March 25, 2011

Genital Cover In Movies

Sects, minority churches and NMR in a study sponsored by the Basque government

The Minister of Justice and Public Administration of the Basque Government, Idoia Mendia, presented on 23 February at the launch of "latent Pluralities . Religious Minorities in the Basque Country ", in which they participated, among others, two professors from the Faculty of Theology d and the UD: Luzio Agirre and Lidia Rodriguez . The work shows religious diversity of Euskadi counts, according to researchers who published the book, with 214 communities and places of worship of different religions .

The director of the Institute of Human Human Rights Pedro Arrupe, Eduardo Ruiz , also present at the ceremony, said that the work has been done with a "call specification" showing religious diversity through " over 140 in-depth interviews , which have identified these 214 places of worship. Confusion


The inclusion in a book on religious minorities as sponsored by the Basque Government, some groups of "new spirituality" that English experts consider cults with sects such as Buddhism or Islam has been surprised by these scholars in the prevention of psychological manipulation.

latent Pluralities 214 realize Euskadi existing religious minorities, ranging from orthodox Christianity or Islam to the contact, a movement that promotes contact with extraterrestrials, "the Basque paganism, or group Amalurra, which was founded by Irene Goikolea as a center of community life and meditation, which, however, has been involved in several conflicts, charged with handling and psychological destruction, as recorded in the book briefly.

"It's a real hodgepodge. We fuel to anything. The mixture without any objective criteria for various groups, giving the impression that they are all identical. Also, do not appear Jewish groups that they do. Do we worship by minority Not to say that there are sects? "questioned Juantxo Dominguez, president of the Association for the Prevention of redundant and parliamentary standing sectarian manipulation of EB between 1994 and 1998 in the Basque Parliament. "Within the book there are very respectable groups with others who have the right to criticize," he adds.

Since redundant and Largantza, the Association of Victims Support Groups Handling standing sectarian, who also chairs the former MP, Dominguez says he found that "behind the alleged new religiosity is a real potions of ways of doing little clarifying." A mixture means that several of the groups listed in the book written by Ellacuría Foundation, the Institute of Human Rights Pedro Arrupe and Pluralism and Coexistence, are part of the "sectarian list" prepared by redundancy.

"We realize that our book is based on the above. One other thing is spirituality and religion." Saioa Bilbao, and Ellacuría Foundation team member writing the book, argues that the thirteen movements of "new spirituality" are listed as a separate annex, detached from religious minorities. However, included in the chapter that they, under a section which deals: Other religions and political movements .

In fact, one person from the association attended the Foundation Amalurra Ellacuría dissatisfied with the explanation that the book brings about her group. "In principle, neither had considered including this issue," [on "new spirituality"], indicates Bilbao. As he explains, has been a work of the Franciscan Joxe Arregi, "you've seen this reality and has collected "he says.

When does a religious minority became a cult? In Spain, unlike other European countries like France or Germany, there is no official public list of enforcement groups and many groups displayed on the website of redundancy are totally legal. "It is unacceptable that there are groups that are registered as religious organizations that do not respect the civil rights of people," says the former congressman.

José Miguel Cuevas, professor and author of Cults : how they work, what their leaders and how to combat the destructive effects abounds: "The problem is that in the registration of religious activities are many sects.

The book, whose foreword is written by the Minister of Justice, Idoia Mendia, includes in the section "new spiritual movements" to 13 groups to which she devotes a brief description of which goes to other faiths, including Orthodox Christianity or Islam. However, in conclusion, the authors note: "More than one will be around the word" sect "in relation to any of these movements. However, this name is always full of traps. (...) No one applies to major movements, but only to minority groups. (...) Clearly, we must be vigilant above all sectarian mechanism (...) But it can be described as cult movement that, systematically, incurred and promotes this type of criminal activity. "

Amalurra A former member who prefers to remain anonymous said he was" outraged "by the inclusion of this group within a book of religious minorities with which the Basque government works. Amalurra, founded in 1992, has houses in which they held their rites in Granada, Barcelona and Artzentales (Vizcaya), center you have the Gold Q delivering quality English Tourist Office.

"Amalurra is not a cult, it is feudalism. People do not want to talk because Irene Goikolea afraid, now resides in California, and retaliation. Amalurra We've gone more than 30 people. Why have not talked to us before including it in the book? What is it to put them all in the same boat? People just want to forget. A book that does not help, "he laments.


An aide explains that" sects try to infiltrate the institutions to give a patina of respectability. "As indicated, the inclusion of some groups are Latent Pluralities that" are not minorities but destructive sects "with the seal of the Executive is a" grave error "and could contribute to" the recruitment of more people. "

In this regard, a former member of the association Brahma Kumaris, of Public Interest by the Ministry of Interior in 2001, who prefers anonymity, says: "I'm not surprised, because the sectarian groups always take every opportunity to clean up your image slipping into the institutions. " This source concludes that "it is very difficult to prove what the sects."

However, Domínguez Juantxo underscores the willingness of the Government as Mendia says in the preface that this book will serve as an engine for future institutional actions which, in this case, "the Basque Government can count on our collaboration."

The 214 minority

96 communities and places of worship of Reformed and evangelical Christianity, 32 JW, 24 devoted to Islam, Seventh-day Adventists nine, seven of Eastern and Orthodox Christianity, 15 communities and centers of Buddhist worship, nine Baha'i faith and two churches of Scientology. Added to this are seven initiatives of interreligious dialogue and 13 groups named in the book as "new spirituality."

Source: Irekia - Basque Government


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