Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Butterfly And Baby Quote

New book by Dr. Javier Akerman

Akerman again offering its expertise to help us improve our quality of life. In his latest book reminds the teacher Fassmer Copy here the message that communicates your next presentation:

Dear Mary: I just handed the publishing my latest book: "How to overcome stress (live fully ) " in whose name your parent dedications "in memoriam". Several chapters also appointed him as a hypnotherapist and creator of the methods of "permanent motivation, as well as my teacher. This book will be presented in "El Corte Inglés de Vigo, on December 23 at 20:00 A strong abrazo.Javier

Professor Fassmer always preferred to any tribute, which one of his students remember him in his work. With this knowledge, we thank Dr. Akerman on behalf of the honor bestowed to his memory and wish him all the success it deserves.


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