Friday, April 15, 2011

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Argentina: Another Jehovah's Witness dies for refusing a blood transfusion

As we read in La Gaceta de Tucumán, a 67 year old man died on April 6 in a sanatorium in Rosario (Argentina) after refusing to receive a blood transfusion, in compliance with a precept of his sect, the Jehovah's Witnesses. I informed the judge that was involved in the case, Raquel Cosgaya.

The man was hospitalized in critical condition weeks ago in July Sanatorium Corso. On the radio the judge noted that the patient was hospitalized with consent, but had left seated in a document on religious grounds did not allow blood transfusion if necessary. His wife and daughter endorsed that request. Prosecute the case after a presentation by the representative of the hospital in a police station.

Raquel Cosgaya

The judge considered that "we must respect the wishes and beliefs," and added: "We are not a case of abandonment of person. " In the newspaper La Capital, we read that the patient had entered the health center in San Juan on 19 March 3034. Detailed as the Medical Director, Américo Daminato, presented "a complicated circulatory problem, had a surgical indication, given its box was the need a transfusion."

But the patient, his wife and sons refused. "Citing religious beliefs, he and his family refused transfusion and signed a document. Then launched a heritropoyetina alternative therapy, which takes more time and gave a result set, "explained Daminato.
The doctor stressed that the family "knew and had been informed of the risks involved do not carry out treatment, there was even life-threatening." Despite that, the family maintained its position and the patient's condition worsened. So he was transferred to intensive care and undergone surgery to alternative therapeutic measures.

"In the last hours were critical and box again raised the option of the transfusion, but again denied. There, he turned to the Justice to acknowledge the situation, "said the director of the Julio Corzo, which said the decision was "own the hospital and doctors, without the mediation of any other family."

The order was placed on the Judge of Instruction No. 6 Cosgaya Raquel, who after confirming the originality of the documents signed by the patient and his family did not authorize the practice. Finally the man died on April 6, at 1:30 am.

The judge stated that with the consent of his wife and two daughters, the patient had left a record in which he expressed his desire not to be transfused. So only proceeded to order the hospital to not perform practice. "We must respect the wishes and beliefs. Physicians exposed transfusion was needed, but respected the will of the patient, "said Cosgaya to The Capital.

"trumps the will of the person who must receive transfusions, respect for their decision. Moreover, the man was already in a critical condition, of course I'm not care to determine whether or not transfusion was necessary in this case, but remained in an almost irreversible, "said the judge, was quoted by Noticias Argentinas.


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