Saturday, January 30, 2010

Formate Of Revocation Of Power Of Attorney

consumer society. Shamans

I have received a beautiful article Galeano. Really worth reading as you see the consumer society is crumbling.

"I fell off the WORLD"

By: Eduardo Galeano, Uruguayan writer and journalist

What I just do not get to roam the world
and throwing things changed for the following model just because
case someone is adding a feature or shrink a bit ..

Not so long ago with my wife, we washed the swaddling clothes of the kids,
hung on the rope with the other clothes, the planchábamos, the
doblábamos and preparing for re-soiling.

And they, our kids, just grown up and had
own children were ordered to throw it all away, including

unscrupulously were given a disposable! Yes, I know. Our generation always
cost him bounce. Waste Not
we were very disposable! And so we walked through the streets keeping
mucus in the pocket handkerchief.

Nooo! I do not say it was better. What I am saying is that sometime
distracted me, I fell off the world and now I do not know where it comes
. Most likely, it is now well, I do not discuss
. What happens is that I can not change the stereo
once a year, the phone every three months or computer monitor
every Christmas. Guardo

disposable cups! Lavo

latex gloves that were to be used once!

plastic flatware coexist with
stainless steel cutlery drawer!

is coming from a time when things were bought for a lifetime!

is more!
were bought for the life of those who came later! People inherit
clocks, games glassware, china and earthenware bowls
And it turns out not so long in our marriage, we
had more than there were kitchens throughout the neighborhood in my childhood and have
changed three times cooler.

We are screwing! ! I discovered them! They do it on purpose!
Everything is broken, worn, rust, cracks or
consumes little time we have to change it. Nothing is repaired. What is
factory obsolete.

Where are the cobblers mending the soles half-Nike shoes?
Has anyone seen a mattress mattresses weeding every house? Who fixes
electric knives? Does the grinder or the electrician? Will
tinsmiths Teflon or aircraft seats for
Everything is pulled, all of discarding and, meanwhile, produce more and more and more garbage

The other day I read that there was more trash in the past 40 years
that throughout human history.
He who has less than 30 years is not going to believe this: When I was a child
passed my house that collected garbage!
I swear! And I have less than ... years!
All wastes were organic and were to stop the chicken coop, to
ducks or rabbits (and I'm not talking about the seventeenth century) was not

plastic or nylon. The only rubber
saw in the wheels of the cars and were not rolling
burned them down in the Fiesta de San Juan. The little waste
not eat animals, manure served
or burned. From 'out there' I come. And not that there's been better ...
It is not easy for a poor guy who taught him the
'save, and save that there can ever be used for something', passed to
'buy and throw that already has the new model. " We must change the auto
every 3 years maximum, because otherwise, you are a bankrupt. So you have the
car is in good condition. And you have to live eternally indebted
pay again!! But by God.

My head does not stand much.

Now my family and my friends' children not only cell
change once a week, but also change the number, email address and
to the actual address.

And I was prepared to live with the same number, same
women, the same house and same name (and boy, was a name like
to change) I was raised to save it. TOO! What
served and what is not. Because someday things could return to service.
gave him credit for anything.

Yes, I know, we had a big problem: they never told us what we could serve
things and what not. And in an effort to save
(because if we were to do) keep to the navel of our
first child, the tooth of the second, folders
Garden infants and do not know how not to keep the first poop. How
want to understand those people that emerges from his cell phone a few months of purchase

Is that when things are readily available, not valued and become disposable
with the same ease with which

At home we had a cabinet with four drawers. The top drawer was
for tablecloths and towels, the second for the cutlery and
the third and the fourth to everything that was not cloth or covered. And we kept
.. . How we kept! Tooooodo we kept it! We kept
lids of soft drinks! What for?!
did clean-shoes to put in front of the door to take away the mud
. Bent and hooked to a rope curtains became
for bars. After classes you took out the cork, and clavábamos martillábamos
A peck to make
tools for end of year party at school. Tooodo
we kept!

When the world is squeezing the brain to invent
lighters that were thrown at the end of its cycle, invented
recharge of disposable lighters. And the Gillette-up halved-
became sharpeners throughout the school year. And our
drawers kept the little keys of cans of sardines or corned-beef
, just in case that one can come without its key. And
batteries! The batteries of the first Spica
passed from the freezer to the roof of the house. Because we did not know whether to give
heat or cold to live a little longer. We resigned ourselves to that end
life, We could not believe something unless
live jasmine.

Things were not disposable. Were storable. Newspapers!
were used for everything: to make templates for the rubber boots for
pone r on the floor on rainy days and above all things to
wrap. The times that we learned of some result
reading the newspaper stuck to the piece of meat!

And we kept the silver foil chocolates and cigars
pinitos guides to Christmas and
calendar pages for pictures and medicine droppers if
not bring any medicine dropper and matches used because
could ignite a burner in the Volcano from the other
was turned on and the shoe boxes that became the first
photo albums and decks of cards
reused though without any, with the inscription hand on a sword jack
saying 'this is a 4 of clubs. " The drawers kept

pieces left of clothespins and metal hook
. While housed
rights only pieces waiting for their other half to become again a full

I know what happened to us: we had a hard time
declare the death of our objects. Just as today new generations decide
'kill' just seem to stop serving those times were not declared dead
nothing, or Walt Disney!

And when we sold ice cream in glasses whose top
turned based and they said: 'Eat ice cream and then pull the shot',
we said yes, but minga that we would pull! ! The
got to live on the shelf for cups and glasses.
cans of peas and peaches turned pots, and even telephones. The first
plastic bottles are turned into ornaments
dubious beauty. The egg cups deposits became watercolors the tops of bottles
ashtrays, the first cans of beer corks
holders and expected to find a bottle.

And bite me for not making a comparison between the values \u200b\u200bthat are discarded and which
preservábamos. Ah! I do not!
I'm dying to say that today not only are disposable appliances;
also marriage and even friendship are disposable.

but will not make the recklessness of comparing objects with people.
bite me not to speak of identity is lost, the collective memory
to be pulling from the past ephemeral.
I will not do. I will not mix the issues, I'm not saying that what have become perennial deciduous
it already did deciduous perennial.
I will not say that elders are declaring the death
just beginning to fail in their duties, the spouses are exchanged for newer models,
that people who lack any function or are discriminated against that value
more to the pretty, shiny, sticker
hair and glamorous.

This is only a story that speaks of diapers and phones. De
Otherwise, if things mix it would have to consider seriously
deliver to the 'witch' as \u200b\u200bpart payment of a lady with fewer miles and some
new role. But I am slow to navigate this world
replacement and run the risk that the
'witch' and hand me win let me be the one given. Eduardo Galeano


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