Friday, July 24, 2009

Dickies Bag In Singapore 2010

Le mat. The madman. The mad dog

I think of my friends "crazy" in Juanito, in Don Pedro ... I draw, I always learn from them.
The "crazy" look to heaven, is on another level. Always expect something from you and if you give it does not get angry.
I'm intrigued by the dog, "warns you of something or do not want to leave?
The "crazy" whenever he walks.

View: Juanito (died recently)
Sallie Nichols / Jung and the Tarot / Kairos
Jodoroswsky / the way of the Tarot / Siruela

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How To Getan Easy Way To Get A Rainbow Puffle

My Bitch "shoulder" was an art yogic stretching very interesting. First
placed with the front legs straight, head erect and his nose pointing to heaven, back flat on the floor. Then with a slight rocking motion, as if greeting the sun is involved, changing positions and head down to the ground while raised their hind legs stretched back to the sky .... time advantage to throw a thunderous fart. Sympathetic
ritual canine